
一直以来对于 Drupal 最不满意的就是必须用email注册来回复否则只能匿名回复,毕竟 Drupal 是一个以 blog 为主的系统,不是论坛,所以决定把Blog的评论模式还给 Drupal,按照 movabletype 的样式重新打造评论模块。

两点说明:1、方法非官方,事先请备份文件。2、参考自davidnunez的Anonymous Comments Hack


1.在数据库中的comments表添加3列:cnme, ceml, curl

ALTER TABLE comments ADD cnme varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE comments ADD ceml varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE comments ADD curl varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;



function format_name($object) {

  if ($object->uid && $object->name) {
    ** Shorten the name when it is too long or it will break many
    ** tables.

    if (strlen($object->name) > 20) {
      $name = truncate_utf8($object->name, 15) .”…”;
    else {
      $name = $object->name;

    if (arg(0) == “admin” and user_access(“administer users”)) {
      $output = l($name, “admin/user/edit/$object->uid”, array(“title” => t(“Administer user profile.”)));
    else {
      $output = l($name, “user/view/$object->uid”, array(“title” => t(“View user profile.”)));
  else if ($object->name) {
    ** Sometimes modules display content composed by people who are
    ** not registers members of the site (i.e. mailing list or news
    ** aggregator modules).  This clause enables modules to display
    ** the true author of the content.

    $output = $object->name;
  else if ($object->cnme) {
    if ($object->curl) {
      $pos = strpos($object->curl, “http://”);
      if (is_int($pos)) {
        $output = l($object->cnme, “$object->curl”);
      else {
        $output = l($object->cnme, “curl/” _fcksavedurl=””>curl/”>http://$object->curl”);
    else {
      $output = $object->cnme;
  //******END HACK
  else {
    $output = t(variable_get(“anonymous”, “Anonymous”));

  return $output;


function theme_comment_form($edit, $title) {
  global $user;

  $form .= “n”;

  // name field:
  //$form .= form_item(t(“Your name”), format_name($user));

  if (!empty($user->name)) {
    $form .= form_item(t(“Your name”), format_name($user));
  } else {
    $form .= form_textfield(t(“Your name”), “cnme”, $edit[“cnme”], 50, 64);
    $form .= form_textfield(t(“E-Mail (Optional)”), “ceml”,  $edit[“ceml”], 50,64);
    $form .= form_textfield(t(“Web Site (Optional)”), “curl”, $edit[“curl”], 50,64, “Be sure to start with http://”);

  // subject field:
  $form .= form_textfield(t(“Subject”), “subject”, $edit[“subject”], 50, 64);

  // comment field:
  $form .= form_textarea(t(“Comment”), “comment”, $edit[“comment”] ? $edit[“comment”] : $user->signature, 70, 10, filter_tips_short());

  // preview button:
  $form .= form_hidden(“cid”, $edit[“cid”]);
  $form .= form_hidden(“pid”, $edit[“pid”]);
  $form .= form_hidden(“nid”, $edit[“nid”]);

  if (!$edit[“comment”] && variable_get(“comment_preview”, 1)) {
    $form .= form_submit(t(“Preview comment”));
  else {
    $form .= form_submit(t(“Preview comment”));
    $form .= form_submit(t(“Post comment”));

  return theme(“box”, $title, form($form, “post”, url(“comment/reply/”. $edit[“nid”])));

4.将modules/comment.module中的对应语句替换(注意是db_query的INSERT INTO语句

db_query(“INSERT INTO {comments} (cid, nid, pid, uid, subject, comment, hostname, timestamp, status, score, users, thread, cnme, ceml, curl)
VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, ‘%s’, ‘%s’, ‘%s’, %d, %d, %d, ‘%s’, ‘%s’, ‘%s’, ‘%s’, ‘%s’)”, $edit[“cid”], $edit[“nid”],
$edit[“pid”], $user->uid, $edit[“subject”], $edit[“comment”],
$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’], time(), $status, $score, $users, $thread, $edit[“cnme”], $edit[“ceml”], $edit[“curl”]);



function xtemplate_comment($comment, $links = 0) {
  global $xtemplate;

      $result  = db_fetch_object(db_query(“SELECT * FROM comments WHERE cid = %d”, $comment->cid));

//**********END HACK

  $xtemplate->template->assign(array (
    “new”       => t(“new”),
    “submitted” => t(“Submitted by %a on %b.”,
                      array(“%a” => format_name($comment),
                            “%b” => format_date($comment->timestamp))),
    “title”     => $comment->subject,
    “author”    => format_name($comment),
    “date”      => format_date($comment->timestamp),
    “content”   => $comment->comment

  if ($comment->new) {

  if ($picture = theme(‘user_picture’, $comment)) {
    $xtemplate->template->assign(“picture”, $picture);

  if ($links) {
    $xtemplate->template->assign(“links”, $links);

  $output = $xtemplate->template->text(“comment”);

  return $output;


function phptemplate_comment_view($comment, $links = “”, $visible = 1) {

      $result  = db_fetch_object(db_query(“SELECT * FROM comments WHERE cid = %d”, $comment->cid));

 //**********END HACK

  $output = “”;
  if (node_is_new($comment->nid, $comment->timestamp)) {
    $comment->new = 1;

  if ($visible) {
    $comment->comment = check_output($comment->comment);
    $output .= theme(“comment”, $comment, $links);
  else {
    $output .= theme(“comment_folded”, $comment);
  return $output;
