
经过两天的潜心研究,终于承认 Drupal 是强大的,是无与伦比的,无论作为CMS或者仅仅是一个Blog程序。如果从仅作为Blog系统的横向比较,pLog和nucleus在功能和拓展性上是不能与drupal比的,mt已经是商业软件了(70刀,不便宜的),只有wordpress还有的一拼,davidnunez 把这个killer application 的 killer apps总结为:

  • Superior Software Architecture 优良的系统架构: Dramatically easy to tweak, modify, append… it makes sense and does very smart things (like systematic function naming) that allow for someone to drop in and spend minimal effort to get up to speed.

  • Open Source 开源代码: The community is wide-open for contributions back to the software (i.e. Very good developer community that uses (get this…) Drupal to communicate via forum, mailing list, cvs integration, and basic project management tools)

  • Everything and the kitchen sink… or not 涵盖所有你能想到的功能: The feature set is significantly large out of the box and is only getting larger by the day (literally… subscribe to the cvs rss  feed and you’ll see what I mean). However, Drupal doesn’t suffer from the overwhelming geek-glut of other content mangagement systems… I’m not entirely sure why this is, and I imagine my non-geek friends would loudly disagree. Nevertheless, this is a system that is being designed for actual human beings to use. God forbid! In fact, there is quite a bit of conversation (and consequently, development) around usability and “prettiness.”

  • Threaded Comments 线程注解

  • Everything’s a node 节点化页面: Everything, whether it be images in a Drupal image gallery, blog entries, or cookie recipes is treated as these things called “nodes”. All nodes share common features (like the ability to be categorized and commented on), but each type can have specialized attributes. Drupal gives me the ability to group, connect, and organize the nodes in any arbitrary way. Insanely powerful.

  • Taxonomies vs. Categories 以分类挑战种类: Wow. This is actually the feature that pulled me off of pMachine. Every node can have multiple categories from different “vocabularies”. These categories can have heirarchical (and/or peer) relationships to get a pretty sophisticated organizational scheme. So, for example, if you were building a Drupal site for your recipe collection, you could organize your nodes around any facets you’d like (ex. “breakfast, lunch, dinner” and “chicken, beef, pork”) and start doing things like “show me all the lunch soup recipes that I haven’t made in the last 7 months”)! The data is the killer application.

  • 补充一点:Drupal还有非常好的中文化,要感谢hiweed的中文化项目,而且drupal本身的locals模块就做得很好。


不过话说回来,两天前我还和 zephyr 一样有着换系统的想法,因为那时我的drupal(一个还没有被改造的系统)存在着一些作为Blog的比较致命的缺点:






所以如果你有点技术,喜欢自己动手改造Blog的乐趣,用 Drupal 绝对不会错的。