Bill Gates discuss Microsoft’s vision for security

I just viewed a webcast about Bill Dates talks about Microsoft’s vision for security, which talks a lot about the direction of Windows security. I took some notes and posted here.

1.Trust echo system
It is a system to provide trust relationship.
It is totally federated and need cooperation of many orgnization.
The trust level is based on reputation, credit and so on.
It is around the webservice potocal.

2.Engineering for security
Security need any piece of code be written secure.
Need the portion of the code to be correct is less.
Need design a approche to what code we trust and have the review process for that code, tools to check that code pattern automaticly.
Need a simple management tool for verify the security issue.

3.Simplicity for friend user and IT Pro, Developer
It should be easy for tracking and understanding the software’s working process.
It should be easy to understand the patterns.

4.Fundamantally security platform
Way to be secure: isolation (network, process priviledge, user mode)
Windows Vista will provide firewall and also virus check in ie 7.

You can view this webcast at:

Bill happened to give this speach on Valentine’s day, and at the beginning he told a joke about Cheney to start the security topic.


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